Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Much Like You She Enjoyed Drama and She Was a Queen

I spoke too soon. The drama is right at home. Right around the corner in fact.

Another couple is mad at us because they were not invited on the Orlando trip. They are also mad at the other couple we went on the trip with. They introduced us to the other couple. That was about five years ago.

We didn't officially call them up and ask them to come with us. Any one of the four of us could have called and asked them to come along and it would make sense. Also they could have said, "great idea, we're comin' too!" We would not have disputed the idea.

Now we have drama. Which makes things awkward. And it's just not necessary.

What to do?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone missed the "act like an adult" day in pre-school. Can you imagine, "I'm mad cuz you didn't invite me dinner, cocktails, your house, etc (insert anyting)." PLEASE! Grow the FUCK up!

Head Whiner said...

yes that was sort of my reaction too. our friends say that they try to hard to include everyone in everything and they were just hurt. my position is that they are the kind of friends who don't need an invitation. if we three ladies lived in the same town and two decided to do something and the other said, great I'm coming too, we'd all say great! the whole thing kind of depresses me a little.

awolfie said...

Why didnt you just invite them then if it didn't matter one way or the other? Thats probably what hurt their feelings. Did they know about it prior to the trip?

Head Whiner said...

good question. when we made the impromptu plans they were out of town... we figured they would be tired from that trip and wouldn't want to go out of town again. granted, we made a wrong assumption. but yes they knew about the trip before we went and didn't say anything like, 'oh fun, we'd like to go...' i understand why their feelings were hurt but i feel they are reading into it and coming to a weird conclusion for no good reason. the bottom line to me is that we assumed wrongly they wouldn't/couldn't go, and they didn't express any interest in going. all that is craziness, what's worse is this tension now.

awolfie said...

It will pass...it always does. And, you learned a little bit about each other...

Anonymous said...

I still feel as if the "left-out" couple need to pull up their "big kid pants" and quit acting like babies. Jez, what are we ten? Can you imagine acting like them? It would be like me STILL being upset about that trip to FL when y'all were seniors. Same dif...and for the record I am NOT mad ;) LOL

Head Whiner said...

trip to florida? oh yea, carrie oertel came with... that seems like 2,000 years ago...

i talked to the female half of the hurt couple, and I really think it's her husband who is the baby.

awolfie said...

Inappropriate Yoga Guy
