Monday, April 30, 2007

And my angel she said unto me, Today is the day for you to rise

Today I heard that The Eastern Market was ravaged by fire. Located on Capital Hill, this was a great place to wander when drunk, stoned and hungover. I have spent many a hungover morning scouring that place for something delicious and cold to drink. After awhile I'd settle for a semi-cold can of diet coke and I'd usually swipe a candy bar for some oomph. I've stolen lots of candy bars from the Eastern Market.

I've also purchased lots of wares outside in the open air market. Paintings, jewelry, purses, plants, poultry, flowers, candles and fucking martini sets. Been there done that.

The Real Simple Athletes live practically right next door to the Eastern Market and they are devastated. They sent frontline footage, photos, stories and drama. I could post all that, and post all my old archived photos of me and various friends, family and freaky strangers hanging out at the Eastern Market. I could go into a whole thing about the decades (decades?) of fun we've had there, about Wolf peeing in the corner there, and puking too. And we could all send in our favorite Eastern Market stories.

But then I got to thinking that The Real Simple Athletes should get their own fucking web site to post all their exciting victories and personal drama. And then I remembered that they do have a web site.

So that means I have to talk about myself. Who, me? Yea, me.

I am defined right now by my work which sucks and which means I can't be a mom and a friend and a wife and a housecleaner like I want to be. No need to break out the violin. I know I could have it worse and blabbity blah blah. And I agree, we should really get a housekeeper!!

I'm so busy and have no choice about it because in a very short time, my business has gone in a whole new direction. The base of it is the same but the business plan is different. And I'm now required to be more quiet about it because there are more players involved.

Last week I sat in the old board room and office that Bernie Ebbers used to occupy. He was the CEO of WorldCom who is now behind bars. The client I was visiting is currently occupying parts of what was the WorldCom "campus". While it was mildly interesting to tour Bernie Ebbers and Scott Sullivan's offices, which are still untouched except that some of the furniture is gone, it was most meaningful that we were putting together an incredibly lucrative deal while sitting in the very chairs that Ebbers and Sullivan no doubt sat in while making incredibly fraudulent decisions. The whole place was eerie to be honest, and felt sticky and gross. We drank enormous amounts of alcohol each evening to cleanse ourselves.

And after three long days the deal was done. It was yet another big deal in a line of deals that if we can actually pull off, will mean big things. And big means large. And large is good. And we all know that, right?

P.S. I don't normally credit my headlines, most of which are song lyrics. But I feel the need to disclaimer that my headline is not from the bible, but a Jimi Hendrix written lyric. I thought it was fitting for both the Eastern Market, and for me.

Ok, Good night.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

I Tried Being Normal Once . . . I Didn't Like It

Hey Y'all. (I say y'all now, for real).

Sorry I haven't been posting to my bloggy blog blog blog. I am having a crazy ass week. INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE! (Insane in the brain.)

I am currently sitting in Jackson, Mississippi. This place is boring as hell. Been here working for a couple days. Nothing to share about that, but business is incredible right now and we are about to become very big. And it's very exciting.

I will post some pics and some more interesting stories over the weekend. What are you doing this weekend?

Oh, had to share. This one's for you Paisan: Jesus of the Week

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Get Some Balls Mr. President

My thoughts are with those families who lost a loved one at Virginia Tech. I cannot fathom what they are going through.

The rest of us are going through fits of anger and shock, and I feel betrayed.

"The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed."

The President also said, "...Those whose lives were taken did nothing to deserve their fate. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I'm not trying to say the president is at fault here. I'm not even trying to say anything profound, I'm just confused.

So I guess anyone can get any gun on any ordinary day. Any gun. Anything? I admit I'm totally clueless about all stuff gun related. Do the gun shop dudes even ask what you plan to do with the weapon? I mean, are there not many, many types of guns, big and small, with varying degrees of killing capacity? Are guns used for anything besides killing?

A little light Googling reveals that indeed, anyone can get anything. The gun shop owner who sold the merch to the Virginia Tech student had this to say though, "He was a nice, clean-cut college kid. We won't sell a gun if we have any idea at all that a purchase is suspicious." I wonder what he thought a nice college kid would be doing with his new purchases? Would he be doing something that is considered not suspicious?

Ok, so we know that anyone can buy any gun. And apparently there are many gun styles to choose from, and anyone can go in and browse around, choose what they like, and after a short Federal Bureau of Investigator's instant background checker, they are off with their wares. I realize the laws vary by state but in Virginia, this was the case.

So then, as a relatively ordinary citizen (not a cop or prison wardon, for example) the
Virginia Tech shooter had the right to purchase weapons that are designed to load and reload quickly (to presumably kill a lot of whatever nice college kids kill). He also had the right to purchase as much ammunition as he could possibly carry, probably more.

Everyone who knows me knows I'm against the idea of relatively ordinary people owning guns, much less carrying those guns around with them. But if the law must remain for political and economic reasons, then it must be reviewed again. I can accept that if the majority of citizens feel they should have the right to bear arms then so be it. Fair enough, I've been outruled. But why do we all have the right to bear arms that hold so much ammunition? Or enable such quick reloading? Why? Seriously. Why? Because think about it. What happened in Virginia was horrible, a terrible, terrible tragedy that will never be forgotten. But if any clean cut looking person can make these purchases, then so can any other "normal" looking person who you work with, or go to school with, or live with for that matter.

To make the whole horrid tragedy even worse,
A court order from 2005 states that Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui was declared mentally ill and "an imminent danger to others."

1) Anyone can buy any gun
2) Anyone can buy as much ammo as they want
3) The gun shop owner decides who he is going to sell guns to based on how they look
4) The FBI instant background checker doesn't work

This isn't about whether we have the right to bear arms. This is about the fact that the system is broke. And because of our increasingly capitalistic society, the system will remain broke until someone in that god damned white house straps on some balls and makes some changes.

All those deaths could have been avoided if the system were working. But instead of discussing how he will improve the lives and safety of every single person in this country, your president had the nerve to tell the entire campus at Virginia Tech that their friends and loved ones were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fucking Moron. Fucking Asshole. I'm so pissed.

Other Resources: America's Debate

UPDATE: Because Cho was not involuntarily committed to a mental institution, his appearance before the judge and his evaluation at a mental health facility did not show up when he bought the guns. Read more about how easy almost anyone can obtain guns and ammo: Campus killer's purchases apparently within gun laws.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Athlete

Monday, April 16, 2007



Boston Herald Interview

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Why I Will Not Back Hillary Clinton for President

The whole Don Imus thing has gone way too far and it's starting to really piss me off. For one, whether you like him or not, he was trying to say something funny and that is it. Do I think it was funny? Maybe. Do most people? No. Were the girl's feelings hurt? Yes. What lesson is to be learned here? We get our feelings hurt sometimes.

Sure, Imus is a terrible person. He's stupid and naive. He is a hater. The world already knew this. So why is he just now getting all this heat? It's well documented that this guy has been a hating racist for decades! Hello, society: His form of humor and hatred is enjoyed by the vast majority of this country. By me? No. But I do not care what he says!! TURN THE STATION IF YOU ARE OFFENDED.

Ok, ok I get the whole "public airwaves" debate. OH NO! what if some kid just happened to turn on the "public radio" to hear all the hate? Oh no if our kids have to deal with reality, and oh no if we parents have to teach them about reality. There is hatred, sexism, racism, and classism in this country. Yes, it's true children.... but your parents are too afraid to educate you on how to handle all this and how to be a free thinker. So instead, we vilify a man in the "public media" until he loses his job and then we tell our children that he's the hater. I don't like Imus. Actually I don't think anything about him. But do we really think a man should lose his job when, as an entertainer his job is, in part, to shock and entertain his listeners? It astounds me that most everyone talking about him have stated they have never heard his radio program.

The truth is I can probably be swayed on the whole debate and I was ready to forget the whole thing. Until. Until I found out that Lady Hill has decided to capitalize on this.

I'm sick and disgusted to report that Hillary Clinton is inviting potential voters to her web site so they can send messages of respect to the Rutgers players. Hillary said, "Don Imus's comments were nothing more than small-minded bigotry and coarse sexism. They showed a disregard for basic decency and were disrespectful and degrading to African Americans and women everywhere."

What the fuck does any of this have to do with Hillary? Why is she sending emails to her supporters inviting them to go to HER web site to send messages to basketball players at Rutgers? Why not direct society to the Rutgers web site? So she can take the credit? Because seriously. If she were to become President (which she won't), is she planning to take on the issues of racism and sexism and equality and make meaningful changes? No. She wants votes. Understandable.

So what's her next move? She's going to Rutgers. She's going to meet with the young ladies who had their feelings hurt.

C'mon people. We're holding press conferences about Imus who said a stupid joke, and presidential candidates are flying around visiting a small group of basketball players who never heard of Imus two weeks ago. We can do better. She can do better.

I will not back a presidential candidate who will freely hop from one debate to the next, from one hot button to the next, from one press conference and tv appearance to the next. I will not back a presidential candidate who does not understand the fundamentals of how society works. The Don Imus situation really is too bad. What's worse is that Hillary took this sad situation and made it worse. She could have helped make this into a positive race relations story in order to help teach our children about racism, sexism and classism.

Nope. Not Lady Hill. She'll take her web site and her votes and she'll go off and spew hatred about old men with white hair who have radio shows. What a hypocrite.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easy Targets

Cheaters! You get to wear your shirts in. I'm jealous. Boo fucking hoo.

Well, if anyone wants to peg your ass they'll know what you'll be wearing. I'd lose the turtle neck next time.

OPD = Other People's Drama

OPD makes my day. This is my favorite story of the decade, so far. In a sarcastic way, of course. I cannot wait to see what he has to say next on his web site, which he has been using as a place to "set the record straight". Stay tuned. The fun never ends.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hey Peeps

Friday, April 6, 2007

I Know What I Mean


I've been a little anti-blog lately. So yea, fuck all you fucking weirdos. People are weird. But so am I, so I understand. But still. I blog because I can, so there. Fuck you.

Otherwise, I am chillin' and swillin'. I have tons of cool web sites I have found which I want to share with you. But I'm too tired to deal with all that. And that's that. Good night. Enjoy.

P.S. It's ok that I say the "F" word right next to a picture of a young child. Because he's mine. So there.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Marathon Weekend Team TShirt Slogan Ideas

Hey Team Murray,

Team Nation's Cap,

Team Cherry Blossom,

We need shirts! What should they say?? Long sleeve or short?

Couple lame ideas, please help. Mrs Real Simple needs to get these ordered ASAP!

    • Team Hurray Murray!
    • Runnin' With The Devil
    • Murray's Minions
    • Two Eight Seven Oh (2870). Go, Murray Go!
Oh, and Mur? We need email updates that day. Please register online to avoid the rush on race weekend.

14 days....