Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Passing of a Wine Hero

Winemaker Ernest Gallo, who parlayed $5,900 and a wine recipe from a public library into the world's largest winemaking empire, is dead at 97.

With brother Julio, he used the end of Prohibition in the 1930s to sell inexpensive California wine to a growing market.

"My brother Julio and I worked to...put fine wine on American dinner tables at a price people could afford."

For decades Gallo wine was associated with mediocre, inexpensive wine — “jug wine.” Still, the Gallos' influence on the American wine industry is undeniable.

So rest in peace, Ernest. Though we never met, your contribution to making wine available and affordable has made a significant impact on my life.

In memory, please join me in celebrating Winesday, which roughly translated means, "Drinking wine on a Wednesday, a middle of the week session for release of stress and to unwind."



Murray said...

we'll be sure to stop by and get a photo of the winey next week when we're there.

Head Whiner said...

next week? going there? Holy fuck. i need to get you a list of things i need, not the least of which is a picture of the Real Simple's at some swank ass winery. even better would be pics while getting massages. rrar. i'll give you exclusive posting rights. you'll be stars. email me!