That's what our Little Guy says every time we pull into the driveway. We arrived home Sunday afternoon after a really great weekend in Orlando. Depsite the heat, the kids were great. And there was no drama to speak of, which means... well, you do the math. Here are just a few pics.
Upon arrival we cruised on over to Downtown Disney and were greeted by Buzz from Toy Story. This was a very exciting moment for the Wine Shriners because Toy Story 2 is currently the Little Guy's favorite movie. He couldn't believe his eyes, would not move away from Buzz, and we had to literally pull him out of other family's photos. He is so overwhelmed with excitment (and heat exhaustion) in this photo, but believe you me, this one encounter was worth the entire trip for him!
After walking around in 200 degree heat for two hours we immediately took the kids to the pool. Our Little Guy is still a little freaked about putting his head under water (in other words, he's wimpy), but he absolutely loves "swimming".
While shopping at Downtown Disney Megan and I saw these dresses and had to have them. We also decided we both had to wear them to Sea World. So here we are, posing for pictures to prove to the world what big dorks we are. Surprisingly, our husbands didn't seem the slightest bit embarrassed by us.
Here we are waiting for Shamu to show up and get on with the show already! The Little Guy is very hot, and very sick of this place. After the show we high tailed it out of there._________________________________________
And those is all the photos I gots right now. More updates on life and whatnot later. Happy Monday!