Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Much Like You She Enjoyed Drama and She Was a Queen

I spoke too soon. The drama is right at home. Right around the corner in fact.

Another couple is mad at us because they were not invited on the Orlando trip. They are also mad at the other couple we went on the trip with. They introduced us to the other couple. That was about five years ago.

We didn't officially call them up and ask them to come with us. Any one of the four of us could have called and asked them to come along and it would make sense. Also they could have said, "great idea, we're comin' too!" We would not have disputed the idea.

Now we have drama. Which makes things awkward. And it's just not necessary.

What to do?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Talkin' Bout Good Times


That's what our Little Guy says every time we pull into the driveway. We arrived home Sunday afternoon after a really great weekend in Orlando. Depsite the heat, the kids were great. And there was no drama to speak of, which means... well, you do the math. Here are just a few pics.


Upon arrival we cruised on over to Downtown Disney and were greeted by Buzz from Toy Story. This was a very exciting moment for the Wine Shriners because Toy Story 2 is currently the Little Guy's favorite movie. He couldn't believe his eyes, would not move away from Buzz, and we had to literally pull him out of other family's photos. He is so overwhelmed with excitment (and heat exhaustion) in this photo, but believe you me, this one encounter was worth the entire trip for him!


After walking around in 200 degree heat for two hours we immediately took the kids to the pool. Our Little Guy is still a little freaked about putting his head under water (in other words, he's wimpy), but he absolutely loves "swimming".


While shopping at Downtown Disney Megan and I saw these dresses and had to have them. We also decided we both had to wear them to Sea World. So here we are, posing for pictures to prove to the world what big dorks we are. Surprisingly, our husbands didn't seem the slightest bit embarrassed by us.


Here we are waiting for Shamu to show up and get on with the show already! The Little Guy is very hot, and very sick of this place. After the show we high tailed it out of there.

And those is all the photos I gots right now. More updates on life and whatnot later. Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Palace Awaits our Arrival

We're headed to the Buena Vista Palace at Walt Disney World tomorrow. We're going with some friends and their two kids. We are really excited to get away, relax, and relax. We even have a babysitter for Saturday from 4 PM - Midnight! WOW! Very exciting.

We actually have an itinerary which I'm not excited about. I much prefer to wing it, but with 3 kids and 4 adults I recognize the need for a plan.

We arrive tomorrow and will relax and hang at the pool and enjoy the hotel with the kids.

Saturday morning it's Breakfast with Elmo at Sea World, followed by a few hours of Sea World sightseeing. It will be hotter than fuck so who knows how long that will last.

After that the guys will head off to golf and the gals will get the kids to nap. Once the babysitters arrive at 4 PM we are off to the spa. YEA!

Then, the adults get to go out alone. This is huge, HUGE I tell you. We never (hardly ever) get to leisurely enjoy a nice dinner and speak with adults without constant interruption. We are usually stuffing our face and chugging our drinks so we can bolt from a restaurant before any kids we are with (including our own) start to blow. They are like ticking time bombs.

Wish us luck with all that. Hopefully we actually go to dinner, and we actually enjoy ourselves. But even if we just hang out and do nothing, we'll be doing it with the knowledge that our kids are fine, and we don't have to worry about chasing them through parking lots, or plucking them out of little lakes or waterfalls. Those pesky kids always know how to find the one and only place they aren't supposed to be.

Sunday it's another character breakfast for the kids, this time with Mickey Mouse and Friends. Then we head home. In between all that we'll be shopping, sleeping, and hopefully enjoying and relaxing.

We're super excited just to get away. Life has been overly stressful, and no matter how many times someone tells me that I should put my life in perspective and suck it up, I guess I just can't. My life is stressful, damnit!

Of course every trip like this comes with stories and drama. And since I won't be drinking, that means I won't be drunk. So hopefully that means the drama will be all about someone else.... we shall see.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Free Stuff

I was searching the inter-webs for free stuff. Actually, free diapers or diaper coupons. That's how I came across these freebies. Get a hotmail account to sign up for all this because you'll get plenty of junk email in return.

Free copy of What to Expect the First Year
Even if you won't use it this book is a good baby shower gift. You just have to sign up for their newsletter to get your free copy.


Free sample of Lacoste Essential, the new fragrence for men.

Get a free mood ring when you sign up to receive a newsletter from oomph.net. This web site appears to be part of the Oprah empire.

I am still trying to figure him out. He seems to really enjoy wine, and you can watch him tell you all about it in many short videos, which are funny (right?).

Watch this video, fill out the form, and he'll send you this wrist band.


I signed up for all this crap and more (free formula, free diapers, free diaper bags, who knows what I'll receive...).

I'm trying to find free beauty products. If you know how to get them let me know!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Naming Rights

Saturday, August 4, 2007

More Proof

Here is further proof we are having another boy. If you aren't sure what this is... first, try to find the part of the photo that shows the baby. Look at the letters OB right under Especially For Women and then go straight down about an inch. You are looking at two legs from the back (think of them sticking up in the air). Between those two legs are the boy parts, and right below that is the rear end.

That was the best photo we could get, and we actually didn't care! Funny how The World and Everyone was always right when they said, "things are just different after the first one. You won't take as many pictures of the second one."

We used to direct the doctor to get the perfect shot of our little bundle of joy, but we haven't even tried to do that this time. We haven't set up a web site dedicated to his fetal growth, and we haven't started putting his room together. Yes, we have plenty of time, but I can already tell that things are going to be very different with #2. I mean, of course things will be different. And that is because we have relaxed quite a bit about the whole thing. Which, hopefully, will mean that #2 will be more relaxed too. Because #1 is wound up and a little bit manic.

So this time I am ordering up a relaxed child, please. Please. Please???????

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Baby Love

Went to doctor today, I'll try to post a picture later. Baby is still a boy, and weighs about 5 ounces. He is due around January 15. No problems detected. Things are good!