Thursday, March 29, 2007

I Have Fans!

Shameless promotion.
Go there and buy stuff.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Best Thing You've Ever Done For Me

I am one of those people who used to think that I knew everything. Not any more. But the memory is still vivid. I knew everything to the biggest fault I can imagine. You all might remember. Flying woks, kicking loved ones out on the curb, horrific words slung, anger, names, and endless debates. I knew it all.

I also knew it all to my benefit, whereby I climbed the professional ranks for nothing more than to just say I knew more. Money comes with, but knowing more is just more valuable.

Right. Well, two years ago I came to the full realization that I don't know shit. After my endless late night debates to find meaning in the world, it took a small weakling, little, frail baby to shut my ass up. It took someone who doesn't speak my language. Doesn't sing my songs. Doesn't know my history. It makes me twitch with this weird feeling. I get tingles. I have to touch my arms to make the tingle stop. It's weird.

He turned two a few days ago. He's sick, like usual these days. That didn't help things at all, but he definitely did not care that it was his birthday. He thought the gifts were nice, but they took too long to open so he lost interest. He had no appetite for days before, so a little finger in the cake for some icing was seen as a major victory. He was happy to see grandma, but ultimately annoyed with it all. There was too much noise, too much commotion. And all he wanted to do was lay down on the couch, with mommy telling him he will feel better soon.

We should have known. We kind of do know that he's too young to really take an adult-like interest in a lot of people, noise, and new things. But we get a cake and balloons, some wine, lots of adults, and call it a party. It's really for us. We know. He knows.

However, this really marks the day for me when all that ends. This year will be one of amazing growth and, please, I hope, I NEED, major improvement in the area of communication. Because really, after an undergrad degree in English and a masters degree in Journalism, if you can't communicate with a two year old, you feel very defeated.

It's getting better. We do silly "knock knock" jokes, and 'Elmo' is always the punch line. He can say "up" and "hello" and "goodbye", but those words all have multiple meanings in his world. For example, "bye" means both goodbye, and also "my juice is gone". He thinks he is repeating everything we say but it always comes out as "Y. B."

If you can tell me what Y.B. means, I'll pay you for all your wisdom.

This day got here fast. I was thinking about just how fast we went from a blank canvas, to who the hell taught our kid to fuck with us by saying Y.B. for every god damned thing.

Me: So, he's two now.

Mr Grass: I don't know how we did it.

Me: I don't know either.

That's the extent of my wisdom lately. I don't know shit anymore. I used to know it all but now all I know is trying to get a two year old to eat and sleep is a major triumph. And they don't teach you that in college. Or grad school. Or any other fucking class I ever took.

I have done a lot of soul searching in the last couple years. I know I was a snotty little know it all. I still can be sometimes. But my life changed dramatically and for the better two years ago, and I mean that in a totally selfish way. I have been put in my place. And helping me take my life less seriously was by far the best thing he has ever done for me.

And Mr Grass, you should know that we did it with love and dedication. We'll do it again for two more years and years and years after that. I love you babe. Thank you.

If You're Not Confused You're Not Paying Attention

Check out my peeps hanging at the Cherry Blossom Wine Tasting in full support of the Washington Rugby Club. At least I think that's what they are doing. The email is a little, how you say... ummm, incoherent? Yes! That's the word. Something about press releases, Brunello and white Bordeaux, shitty chard from New Zealand, and upgrading guests to Chianti. Who the fuck knows. I'm sure fun was had by all Muskies who participated. Oh, and Lenny too.

Cheers to that! Thanks for sharing!

Monday, March 26, 2007

You Just Want Me To Take You For A Ride

Don't ask me how I found this, I just did.

Are you ready?

Well you see the damn picture there, don't you? It's a music-powered vibrator.

No bullshit. And if you already knew about this and failed to tell me, well then shame on you.

Unfortunately, in my neck of the woods this type of device is just not available on every street corner. Is this something you can pick up at one of those Super Duper Apple Computer Ipod Supercenter Concept Stores I have heard so much about?

You can call me a redneck. Or you can point out that there is one of these Superduper stores right here in my sort-of richy rich town. But I haven't been there. I would like to see an instore demonstration though.

Too bad for me. A little further investigation reveals that Apple Computer does not endorse the OhMiBod. You can buy these online, though. See the Bose speaker version? Very handy.

If you need more convincing, some cool kids over at Macheads did a little product review.

There's also a Club Vibe where you can compare notes with other members. And if you can't wait for the annual meeting, there's always the OhMiBlog.

So tell me: Which song would you choose on your first go around with this bad boy?

If you can't decide, there's always the OhMiBod suggested playlists, with easy links to download right to your iPod. Let me know how it goes.

Holy Shitski

Well then. An offhanded comment about some stupid blog war and all of a sudden I have lots of peeps knocking on my door. I, uh, had no idea.

So what happened anyway? All of this crazy ass Internet shit is fucked up. Why is The Girl Who writing her own installments? Why is V responding to The Girl Who? This behavior seems abnormal for Ms. V.

I love that someone finally knocked V off her high horse. But I also smell something fishy. And am I the only dorkesse wondering where oh where in the Internet world is Lola responding to all this fallout?

I'll get back to regularly scheduled bullshit soon. My Little Guy is sick, again. Ear infection/Sinus infection. Needless to say, he has basically been stuck to me for days. And by stuck, I mean stuck together with snot. It's nasty around here. Be back soon....

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's a small, small bloggy-blog world, or is it?

Wow. Leave the Internets for one day and all hell breaks loose. My favorite Internet bitch fight that was coming to an end now has legs again. Violent Acres has weighed in on the situation. The Girl Who responded. I can't decide who I agree with more. I can't believe the bloggy worlds are overlapping so much. Me thinks that Six Degrees of Separation experiment would be an interesting way to tie some of these people together. Then again, maybe this more fun. The content the Internets produce is so damn good.

Now I must tear myself away and go to a wedding shower.

We're also getting prepared for tomorrow - when Little Little turns two years old! I'm so proud.

Happy Saturday! Last night = Pinot Grigio, Cabernet, and BHers.

Hope your weekend is just as fun.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BHers for Jesus

Grab a glass of wine. This is a long one.

First things first. The last post was something I put there for me to reference and remember. It has nothing to do with anyone who emailed me or asked me about it.

I am a little obsessive with lists. I make a lot of lists. I'm one of those people who has post-it notes all over the place. But these notes are only all over my desk at work. And that doesn't work for me. Some of my lists have longevity, so I may take to making lists here.


Do a BH, and chill.

Speaking of my fav pastime, I've been trying to figure out what I want to say about the Bong Hits 4 Jesus dealio. I could joke about so many things surrounding this - from BHers, to religion, to Alaskans, to students and authority figures, to the Supreme Court actually agreeing to hear this case.

As I'm sure you are all aware by now, SCOTUS heard oral arguments yesterday on the Bong Hits 4 Jesus case.

In essence:

Joseph Frederick was an 18-year-old senior in 2002 when the torch for the Winter Olympics was scheduled to pass in front of his high school. Frederick was standing on a public street as the TV cameras came into range. He and several other students then unfurled the 14-foot banner that said, “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” The school’s principal, Deborah Morse, ripped it away from the students and sent Frederick to the office. She planned to suspend him for five days, but when he invoked Thomas Jefferson and the 1st Amendment, she doubled the suspension to 10 days.
After all that fashizzle, the student sued the principal, alleging violation of Freedom of Speech.

Of course, this has nothing to do with BHers, and I'm a little concerned.

Let's break it down: The Supreme Court of The United States is going to decide whether schools have the authority to regulate anything that one of its students says or does.


Let me remind you:

When this student rolled out his banner he was not on school property.

Now, here is the school's argument, which by the way, is fully supported by George Bush. Oh yea, and Kenneth Starr, the attorney for the school.

Primary and secondary public schools should be permitted to restrict student speech whenever the “message” conveyed is “inconsistent with the school’s basic educational mission.”

Monday, March 19, 2007

5 Simple Rules for Happiness

1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's Been Such A Long Time

Another day, another rock star has died. At least that's what I thought at first. I used to like Boston. I probably still do, just not on a daily basis. When I heard about the death of the lead singer, Brad Delp, I felt a little sadness and then I moved on.

A few days later I heard that he had committed suicide. And then I heard how: He locked himself into his bathroom and then lit two charcoal grills. At some point he laid his head down on a pillow and died from carbon monoxide poisoning. I wonder how long it took? Did he grill anything up in there while awaiting his fate?

It's a weird way to commit suicide. I'm not one of those freakies who analyzes how to commit suicide. Seriously. But this is a weird, weird way to do this. I'm guessing he felt "no pain", as they say. And I'm also guessing that was his biggest reason for selecting this method to end his life.

Some information from his suicide notes have been made public. He had at least one note clipped to his shirt that read: Mr. Brad Delp. J’ai une ame solitaire. I am a lonely soul.

There was another note on the garage door that read: To whoever finds this I have hopefully committed suicide. Plan B was to asphyxiate myself in my car.

Others said: I take complete and sole responsibility for my present situation.

And: I have lost my desire to live.

A little looksie at the Official Boston Band site will find some curious text, which is really an email Brad's bandmate sent to Rolling Stone Magazine this week. The very last sentence of that email reads: "...Brad and I have been used and abused throughout our adult life by the music business, it continues even in his death. Please do the right thing with this..."

I smell a made-for-tv movie very soon. Anyone know what all the drama is about? I mean I hate to be insensitive but what could make a person charcoal themself to death, leaving behind a fiance and two kids? Not to mention the countless other family and friends who are left with a note taped to a garage door and some kind of flimsy "I'm lonely" and "I'm responsible" message. What is his definition of responsible, exactly?

Yea I know, there's more to the story, and it's none of my business. But bitch, please. My desire to have stories wrapped up nice and neat with a little bow attached to a pretty little ending is not being met here. I want more and I don't want to have to watch Lifetime or VH-1 fucking True Stories to get it. Do I really care? No. But charcoaling yourself to death really deserves a closer look. That guy wanted some notoriety, even in death, right?

I'm headed outta town today to spend the night in Orlando with a good friend who likes Boston (and Journey) just as much as I do. We will have a drink in honor of all of you, and in honor of Brad Delp, and St. Patrick too of course.

And I think I will listen to some Boston on my 3 hour drive to Orlando.

“May your blessings outnumber, the shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Is Some Funny Ass Shit

I'm no closet American Idol fan. I'm loud and proud. It is the funniest shit I have seen. From the horrendous singing to the drama that ensues when everyday normal people are suddenly in the Hollywood spotlight. They never know how to conduct themselves and those trainwrecks are the most spectacular to watch. I also love that people are trying to vote the worst guy through. If you watch, then you know, Sanjaya is HORRIFIC but the comedy show is so priceless. I am addicted to watching these poor souls make total asses of themselves. I laugh till I cry.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2007 Pacific Life Open TV Schedule

Yea baby, and I don't mean maybe. Federer was knocked out today! That gives my other boys a chance. Rrrar.

Monday, March 12, 2007

What You Want

I don't live in Manhattan but sometimes I wish I did because of stuff like this:

Missing My Trainwrecks and Insults

I am so pissed. I stumbled upon this web site awhile back called which was essentially a place to openly make fun of stupid web sites and stupid people. Many were offended by them, but I never was and thought it to be a very funny place to get lost in something completely outside of my world. I guess some people were so offended that they basically pushed the trainwrecks site off the Internets completely and it fizzled away.

hen some fans got together and created another similar place called

Now they are gone too. I emailed the Admin girl and she said "closed due to undisclosed circumstances." Jesus. I asked her what the hell that means and she hasn't replied.

Good god the dramas.

I have a feeling it all has something to do with this, this, and this.

Whatever, it's not like I really need something else to read but curiosity is killing me. I'm just putting this out there in case anyone doing a search for The Insult knows any details. What happened?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I'm Booked, I'm There, I'm So Fucking Excited

At long last, my plans are made. I thought I was behind the curve but I spoke to Mr Boston Marathon himself, and let's just say, well, I'm not surprised. But yea, he is dicking the dog. He is thinking about making a reservation, maybe, kinda, after he gets back from a "thinktank".

What? Huh?

News Flash: The Boston Marathon Flights may be limited. And really, my flights weren't Upstate New York Wedding Expensive, but they weren't cheap. Get your seat NOW! Jesus.

I am leaving Sat. April 14 around noon-ish enroute to Providence. I'll be there right around 4:20, perfect timing to visit Mr. and Mrs. P (for Providence, which really has nothing to do with them, so I should come up with something better, which I probably will when I'm there, can't wait... , can't wait..). I will hang with them for the night and I'm really excited. It's been waaaaay too long. Embarrasingly so.

Sunday I'm hoping Mrs. P will drive me to Boston, and hopefully stay the night too. Hint, hint... cause, yea, it would be the bomb to revisit the Franklin Cafe with the person I sat at the bar the most with, and drank the most martinis with, and smoked the most cigarettes with, and shot the most shat with.

Which brings me back to my place. Boston. I will be returning to honor my pledge to be there when Mr Real Simple makes it to the Big Leagues. I'm so there, and I'm so proud, like he's my kid, or brother, or cousin, or something.

Team Mr Real Simple will be all about beantown and while I can't divulge our game day strategy, let's just say, we plan on winning. And what we will win, is to be determined.

After we celebrate our wins I will depart on Tuesday out of Boston on a mid-morning flight.

So please book your god damned flights.

And now I have to tell Mrs P about this blog. Welcome sweets, I miss you.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Thursday, March 8, 2007

So Damn Lucky

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Passing of a Wine Hero

Winemaker Ernest Gallo, who parlayed $5,900 and a wine recipe from a public library into the world's largest winemaking empire, is dead at 97.

With brother Julio, he used the end of Prohibition in the 1930s to sell inexpensive California wine to a growing market.

"My brother Julio and I worked to...put fine wine on American dinner tables at a price people could afford."

For decades Gallo wine was associated with mediocre, inexpensive wine — “jug wine.” Still, the Gallos' influence on the American wine industry is undeniable.

So rest in peace, Ernest. Though we never met, your contribution to making wine available and affordable has made a significant impact on my life.

In memory, please join me in celebrating Winesday, which roughly translated means, "Drinking wine on a Wednesday, a middle of the week session for release of stress and to unwind."


Amy Winehouse=Rehab

Am I the last person on earth to know about this music? I'm leaving now to go buy the CD.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Not Good Enough, Unless We're Talking Sangria

Another submission. I love submissions, thank you Dominici Real Simple Stewart!

This time, however, you were drinking some crap ass wine. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of this vino, but yea, not good. Next time you decide to try a red, first, lose the ice cubes. Second, stay away from anything that says "Vintner's Blend". If you find another bottle like this one in your wine storage shed (where is this storage unit, by the way?), I'd use it for making a nice red sauce or for braising some meats. Either that, or wait until you have already gone through three or four bottles of something much better (an Estancia Meritage, for instance), and then you should open one of these Ravenswood pups. Only then will this taste like anything resembling a good red wine.


Want to see the infamous Mr. and Mrs. Real Simple Stewart? Here they are, those crazy sporting fanatics who take up new sports and excel at them on a whim. I can't wait for Marathon weekend, kids! (Just typing that makes me feel so slim and fit). I hope training is going well. I've been training too. And by training I mean simultaneous cheering and drinking. Call me ambitious, but I need to be ready for my return to Boston and
the celebration of Patriot's Day (AKA a reason to take off work and cheer on your comrades while sipping a nice afternoon vino). Anyway, nice swing, I guess.

And finally, I found some
Hillary Haters (not difficult to find). They mostly hate her because she has no backbone regarding the war in Iraq. But there's also this:

Aside from her hawkish stances with regard to Iraq and Iran, Hillary isn’t so great on many domestic issues. She is against marriage equality for gay people. She is PRO AFTA, PRO death penalty, PRO Patriot Act. Does that make her PROgressive? We don’t think so.
So, what is so compelling about Hill except that she is female and pretty much a career politician? (Well, excluding the time she was on the Board of Directors at Wal-Mart, of course.) I'm not onboard with the Haters but I'm not onboard with Lady Hill either. I don't know if I can be. She rubs me the wrong way.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Hardest To Learn Was The Least Complicated

For the second time in less than 3 months, I am a co-host for a baby shower. Two different friends, both pregnant with baby #2.

This is the definition of suburban living. This is the definition of. of. of. of what? I'm trying to find the right word. Of living with a kid, I guess. No kid, and we'd be hiding out in the corner of who the fuck knows what bar, drinking fancy wine, eating expensive chicken. With kid, I am making platters of food for 20 because I want my kid to be friends with other kids and that means I have made friends with mommies, and now I'm hostng baby showers. Good news is I like the mommies. I should invite them here, actually. We'll see.

Baby shower #1 was in December and baby shower #2 is tomorrow. Neither at my house, both I made food and crazy crafty things for.

Crudite with Green Goddess Dip
This dip has become a staple at our house and a signature recipe. I now have friends requesting this! It is so fresh tasting and very easy to make. My recipe is from Williams Sonoma but I've altered it a million ways depending on what kind of fresh herbs I have available.

Photo Credit: Mr Grass
Recipe: Williams Sonoma Green Goddess Dip

Pesto Pasta Salad
Ingredients follow, you can figure out the proportions:

Sundried Tomatoes
Pine Nuts
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Photo Credit: Mr Grass
Simply Recipes Pesto Pasta Salad

Friday, March 2, 2007

Umm, Yea (AKA Yumm)

So, what do you think? BHers anyone?

2003 Groth Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc

This just in!

Meg and Kevin were swilling a delicious and affordable Sauv. last night in our nation's capital. Good choice kids. I really like this winery. They are very well known for the Chard, but since I'm not a fan of Chard I rarely consider their other choices. I believe I've tasted the Sauv though, and the Cab is also quite nice. The tasting room there is small, and damp, but right on the main drag in Napa. Tons of fun! Here are the tasting notes on that 2003 Sauv, for next time.

Groth Vineyards 2003 Sauvignon Blanc:

Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Food Fun

Christmas Dessert 2006
Poached Pears with Gingerbread. Source: Martha Stewart Living
Photo Credit: Mr. Grass

Since we have the Little Little two year old, we don't go out much. But that doesn't stop us from trying new foods and delicious wines.

Because I love to entertain and try new recipes and food ideas, I am going to use this blog in part to archive some of my favorite eating and drinking recipes, photos, web sites, and ideas. The occassional restaurant review may slip in, but not very often. Like I said, we don't get out much. Good thing we made up for that before Little Little was born. We used to go out, like, oh, every day. No more, friends. We are homebodies now. It's still fun and it's even more fun with friends. I'm happy we have a few good friends who also enjoy wine and food as much as we do.

So check back often to see and read about our latest fun food antics. And please, send your own favorites and photos so we can share our love of wine and food together. If you need some inspiration click around some of my favorites food and wine web sites over there in the sidebar thingy.

I also decided I don't like this blogger template. I am going to keep working on the look until I find something I like.